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Nov 1, 2007
Todd Snyder - Hanson/Brooks Views- 2706 1 Comments


Todd Snyder ran in college for the University of Michigan. After sometime away from competitive running, Todd started popping up at local running events. After refocusing his goals and ambitions, Todd joined the Hanson/Brooks distance running team. Todd has since turned his focus from 5k/10k to the full marathon distance. Todd qualified to the Olympic Trials with a 2:21.00. Read on to find out more about Todd.

RM: How excited are you for the Olympic Marathon Trials and why? Do you look at the Trials as just another marathon? What do they mean to you?

TS: I’m excited about the Trials. I don’t anticipate being near the top three at any point during the race unless of course they lap me. But I’m going there to do my best and I’m excited that I get to be part of the experience of the Olympic Trials. It’s definitely something to be proud of and something I’ll be able to tell the grandkids.

RM: What were you training for at the time of the last Olympic Trials and what have you changed with that training since than?

TS: In 2004 my training was inconsistent. For the most part I was training on my own and constantly wondering if I should just run for fun or actually try to take a crack at furthering my running career. I was constantly going back and forth with little commitment.

I’ve been with the Hansons-Brooks Project Powered by Saturn for over a year now, which has helped out a lot. The Hansons project has given me a lot of benefits, including a program to follow, a group to train with and teammates to inspire me. I’m also married now and my wife, Amanda won’t let me give up and she’s constantly encouraging me. She always says the right thing at the right time.

RM: What is your biggest advantage to doing well going into the Trials and why?

TS: I’m coming back from injury since August, so I’ve been getting comfortable with being uncomfortable (which is a phrase I’m stealing from Nick Stanko). Every workout has been a slug fest trying to get back into shape, but I think it’s toughened me up.

RM: What would it take to make you walk away from the Trials disappointed and why? What would it take to allow you to walk away content from the Trials and why?

TS: I was injured from March through August I had a pain in my knee that prevented me from training. But I’ve had a great month of training in October and I’m starting to come around. I feel strong now. A lot of the guys on the team have been telling me I’m getting into shape at just the right time. So I would like to break 2:21:00. That’s my PR from Chicago last year. If I can go into New York and PR on the hilly terrain of Central Park I will feel confident about the next couple of years.

RM: What are your thoughts on the level of competition that is going to be toeing the line for the Trials?

TS: This is going to be an exciting race. I almost wish I could watch. I’m excited to run for sure, but I really would like to see how everything unfolds. I admire Brian and how hard he works and his story, coming from humble beginnings and rising to the top of the American distance scene, so I want to see him duke it out with those other guys. There are also guys from our team who I think will surprise some people and Nick Stanko’s a friend of mine and I’m excited to see what he’s going to do also.

RM: How many more Olympic Marathon Trials do you see yourself competing in down the road and why?

TS: I would love to make it to two more Olympic Marathon Trials after this. I’ll be 34 for the 2012 OM Trials and 38 for the 2016 Trials, I won’t be a spring chicken, but it’s something to shoot for. One of my favorite Bible verses right now is Isaiah 40:30-31 “Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength…” Sometimes I wish I had joined the Hansons a lot sooner, but these verses keep me focused less on “what might have been” and more on “what can be.” So I’ve got that goin’ for me, which is nice.


Feb 20 2008 @ 11:13 pm |

I'm reading this late ( 2-20-08 ) but having met you back around '99 with my son Justin, I thought that I might just encourage you to keep the faith as you run and grow in Him.
My favorite verse is Psalm 105:4 --- look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Blessings, John

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